Monday, February 9, 2009

Merci President

Thank you
For teaching me wrong from right and
encouraging me to keep my dream in sight.
For showing me to not let obstacles keep me down.
And for creating a smile from of my frown.
For saying that you care about me
And for showing just how special love should be.
For wiping my tears away when I am feeling sad,
And for calming me down when I tend to go mad,
For helping others with the good that you do
And for teaching me that I should help others too.
For hugging me when I am feeling blue.
And whispering into my ear "I do care"
Thank you, Mr. President,for all that you do
I dont know where I would be if it
weren't for you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very nice poem you made, sir. A lot to be learnt from it! :)
